A downloadable prototype for Windows

An RPG-demake of Warhammer End Times: Vermintide made in 2 weeks for the The Great Pwegg Verminlikeoff of 2021. It's my first time really working with the Godot Engine, so it was a learning experience for me. It's very clunky, poorly balanced, and not in any way feature complete! I was hoping to add more before the end of the jam, but stuff came up and it became difficult to continue working on it.

There are three battles (one of which repeats infinitely) and one event (a prototype that doesn't even do the thing it says it's supposed to). All characters' moves are programmed, save for the Dwarf's second ability (It would've taken a sizeable bit of new code to get working right so I just didn't bother). There were supposed to be consumable items, but I never got to that point either. There are only three slightly different enemy types in the game, and they're all basically the same thing. Your characters can reach 0 health, but there isn't really a death mechanic. What I'm trying to get at here is that the game is incredibly incomplete. Also, it's probably real buggy too.

That being said, I think the core gameplay shows some promise. I wanted to characters to each fill their own role on the team and for the gameplay to emphasize tactical thinking while giving the player near perfect information. At the start of each turn, enemy's attack targets are determined and shown to the player. Health is a very limited resource, so I wanted players to be able to use this information to choose which enemies to focus down and which characters to focus on defending. I feel the final combat encounter (the one that you keep doing endlessly) does a solid job of showcasing that this system works pretty well. The enemies can be defeated in a single turn, but it takes some thinking to figure out how to accomplish that.

I'm planning on working a bit more on the game, mostly just to see if I can finish with all of the features I was hoping to add. You can download it now, but be warned: it is not a particularly fun experience. Currently it's in the infdev state. Still not sure what that means but it's amusing to me.


Mousewave Infdev.zip 18 MB

Install instructions

It's easy-peasy. Just download the files, extract them, and run the executable. 

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